Jay Neugeboren discussed his new novel, “The Other Side of the World” with Leonard Lopate on Friday. Listen here to the full interview: http://www.wnyc.org/shows/lopate/2012/dec/07/
The Other Side of the World
Happy pub day to Jay Neugeboren! His 19th novel, The Other Side of the World, is just out today from Two Dollar Radio. Shelf-Awareness describes it as a “funny, unsettling odyssey of a young man’s escape from his difficult father and a broken friendship to an optimistic self-awareness.” Here is a link to the entire review that ran today: http://shelf-awareness.com/readers-issue.html?issue=152#m2934
Happy 109 Years Old Alice Herz-Sommer!
We’re looking forward to celebrating Caroline Stoessinger’s new biography of Alice Herz-Sommer, A CENTURY OF WISDOM, at a book reception this evening hosted by Ambassador Ido Aharoni. Enjoy this tribute to Alice:
Publishers Weekly review of Lady at the OK Corral by Ann Kirschner
Ann Kirschner, author of the acclaimed, Sala’s Gift, delivers the definitive biography of Josephine Marcus Earp, who became the common-law wife of famed lawman and gambler, Wyatt Earp. Based on in-depth historical research, LADY AT THE OK CORRAL (HarperCollins Hardcover; March 2013) traces the life of Josephine and Wyatt from their first days in the Arizona Territory, to the boomtowns of San Diego and Alaska, ending up in Hollywood and the early days of Western movies. Publishers Weekly just gave the book a great review, calling it an “admiring and vivacious biography.” Here is the full review: http://www.publishersweekly.com/978-0-06-186450-6
The Best Route for Authors to Take
In this week’s Publishers Weekly we wrote an article for the Soapbox section that provides publicity and marketing tips and advice for authors who don’t deserve to get lost in the shuffle. This advice is especially important now, after the recent announcement of the merger of Random House and Penguin. Please read the article: