Darcy Mayer, a contributor to the book, TORN: True Stories of Kids, Career, & the Conflict of Modern Motherhood, weighed in on the subject on THE TODAY SHOW on 8/17/11.
What Exactly Does a Book Publicist Do?
To understand what a book publicist does, we encourage you to read this week’s Publisher’s Weekly magazine and the Soapbox essay written by Claire McKinney: http://www.publishersweekly.com/pw/by-topic/columns-and-blogs/soapbox/article/47737-do-you-know-what-a-book-publicist-does-.html
Miss Timmins’ School for Girls
We’re excited about new client, Nayana Currimbhoy and her debut novel, Miss Timmins’ School for Girls that Harper Paperbacks will publish on June 21, 2011. It’s part coming-of-age story, part murder mystery, set in India during the monsoon season of 1974. Publishers Weekly calls it “an absorbing atmospheric thriller. Learn more about the book and author at www.harpercollins.com.
Right-Sizing Your Home is the Perfect Gift for Mother’s Day
If you are stumped for a present for your Mother or someone dear to you, think about Right-Sizing Your Home by Gale Steves (www.right-sizing.com). This book plus the promise of a few hours of your personal time to help her clear out a closet or clean out a drawer or maybe even move some furniture around is a true gift of love.
Everyone needs a little right-sizing in her or his life, and what an appropriate gesture to help them make their home work better. The book itself is a great way to get started in reinventing their home. However, the promise of some personal time together makes it all the more unforgettable.
This can be a great connector between generations: the stories that will retold, the pictures that will be rediscovered, and the memories of the visit that rekindled good feelings.
The Future of Brick and Mortar Bookstores
After Borders filed for Chapter 11 and closed hundreds of stores across the country, many of us involved in the book publishing industry have been talking about the future of the brick and mortar bookstore. An interesting article recently ran in Canada’s Globe and Mail about the future of Canadian bookstore chain Indigo, which adds to this ongoing discussion about bookstores, e-books, and the wave of change publishing is experiencing: http://www.theglobeandmail.com/globe-investor/indigos-heather-reisman-faces-digital-reckoning/article1977785/