Ramez Naam’s debut science fiction novel, NEXUS, is receiving great early buzz. Publishers Weekly says “the action scenes are crisp, the glimpses of future tech and culture are mesmerizing .” You can read the entire review here: Publishers Weekly, November 5, 2012.
Vaughn Sherman -a real life James Bond! – on KING-TV
Vaughn Sherman, author of SASHA PLOTKIN’S DECEIT, sat down with Michael King, host of KING-TV’s Evening Magazine (Seattle, WA), to discuss his work for the CIA influenced his debut novel:
Vaughn Sherman receives rave review in Publishers Weekly for SASHA PLOTKIN’S DECEIT
Retired CIA Agent Vaughn Sherman has received a rave review in Publishers Weekly (October 15, 2012) for his debut espionage thriller, SASHA PLOTKIN’S DECEIT – out now in trade paperback original from Camel Press: http://www.publishersweekly.com/978-1-60381-811-7
LA Times picks VELOCITY for their 2010 Gift Guide!
Congrats to Alan Jacobson. His book, VELOCITY (Vanguard Press Hardcover, October 2010, $24.95) has been chosen as a top gift pick by the Los Angeles Times: Los Angeles Times 2010 Gift Guide